Learning is FUN! We PROVE it!!
We provide a first-class educational experience to every student, every day.
Our students are challenged with fun and engaging content and passionate instructors in our programs.

Engaging students in hands-on learning.
A diverse and joyful community serving students 4 years old through high school provides enriching academic experiences, engaging arts, extra-curricular programs, and responsive social-emotional initiatives.
Challenging students with a variety of STEM Enrichment Programs.
Check out our ever-expanding options, including Robotics, Video Game Design, Hands-On Science & Engineering, 3D Printing, Digital Art, Coding, Art, Performance, and so much more!

Mr James is a passionate educator on a mission. Learning is FUN. Mr James PROVES it!
Disappointed with the experience his older children had in the traditional education system, Mr James sought to make a change. He knew there had to be a better way than the fun-leaching strategies and overbearing style utilized in far too many classrooms. With an engaging presentation style and exciting curriculum, he has successfully inspired thousands of children to actively seek out information and take delight in learning new things.
Mr James has extensive experience teaching STEM curriculum in a variety of settings to homeschool, charter, and public-school students. He has become exceedingly popular in the community and is known for his passion, enthusiasm, and dynamic personality. Mr James’ experience includes a duel-major in Elementary Education and Special Education, but perhaps even more valuable is his extensive experience in sales. Knowing how to communicate and engage with your audience is invaluable, and those years of developing those skills have paid off for his students. Mr James has built a successful education business in Southern California and is a steadfast advocate for choices in education.
With his organizations, includEDucation, Equal Enrichment Education, Innergy Magazine, and Valley Wrestling Connection, Mr James is working to expand his programs to benefit more low-income families in the community. He believes too many children never get exposure to programs that allow them to see themselves pursuing a future in the STEM fields. His goal is to reach more of the children in the community and help them believe that they can be the leaders of tomorrow.
Learning truly is fun. Let Mr James prove it to you.
About Our Founder: Mr James

Our Partners
Our work is supported by so many great people and organizations. This is a small sample of the many partner organizations with which we work to provide a range of robust enrichment experiences for our students.